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where you can

thrive . . . 



Building Biology 


. . . building

closer to nature.

Meet Jon

Based on a 20+ year history of Building Science principles & training,  

Jon Cotham is a highly experienced healthy eco building consultant whose mission is to help you 

create a home or workplace sanctuary where you can thrive.


Jon will guide you through the steps you can take to

optimize your space for wellness and rejuvenation.

Nature is the gold standard that inspires harmonious living spaces where you can

breathe well, sleep well, and feel your best.

Using the Principles of Building Biology, 

Jon will consult with you considering all of the variables that affect your health - 

including indoor air quality, chemical sensitivities, EMFs electro magnetic fields,

water quality, and building materials, finishes, and furnishings.

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Mom and a Child
Air Quality Consultations
Healthy Eco Building Design Consultation & Construction
Bright Living Room
Healthy Home Sanctuary Consultations
house with magnifying glass.jpg
Environmental Inspections & Remediation
Working at Home
Electromagnetic Field Consultations
Neat Computer Desk
Educational Presentations
Child in Green Chair
How to
Create a
Healthy Home


Stories, photos, and tips

on creating

healthy eco homes

coming soon!

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